UN General Assembly Sixth Committee (Legal), Chair: Qatar
More than 6,500 migrant workers from India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka have died in Qatar since it won the right to host the World Cup 10 years ago. Source: The Guardian, February 23, 2021
Mission of UN General Assembly Sixth Committee (Legal): "The Sixth Committee is the primary forum for the consideration of legal questions in the General Assembly." (
General Assembly - Legal Committee website, "Sixth Committee")
Term of office: 2021-2022
Qatar's Record on legal questions:
"Significant human rights issues included: restrictions on free expression, including
criminalization of libel; restrictions on peaceful assembly and freedom of
association, including prohibitions on political parties and labor unions; restrictions
on migrant workers’ freedom of movement; limits on the ability of citizens to
choose their government in free and fair elections; lack of investigation of and
accountability for violence against women; criminalization of consensual same-sex
sexual conduct; and reports of forced labor... The government interprets sharia as allowing corporal punishment for certain criminal offenses, including court-ordered flogging in cases of alcohol
consumption and extramarital sex by Muslims."
(US State Department's Country Report on Human Rights Practices 2020, Qatar)